திரைப்பட நூலகம் மற்றும் கற்கை வள நிலையம்


Thor: The Dark World

  • ஆண்டு: 2013
  • Edition: First edition
  • இயக்குனர்: Alan Taylor
  • Actors: Chris Hemsworth,Natalie Portman,Tom Hiddleston,Anthony Hopkins
  • Writer: Christopher L. Yost (screenplay by),Christopher Markus (screenplay by),Stephen McFeely (screenplay by),Don Payne (story by),Robert Rodat (story by),Stan Lee (based on the Marvel comics by),Larry Lieber (based on the Marvel comics by),Jack Kirby (based on the Marvel comics by),Walter Simonson (character created by: Malekith)

Summary: When the Dark Elves attempt to plunge the universe into darkness, Thor must embark on a perilous and personal journey that will reunite him with doctor Jane Foster.

  • Format: DVD
  • Languages: ஆங்கிலம்